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Project Timeline

Last updated 13 August 2024

2020 to 2023

Research and soil testing in public areas

Port Kembla Copper engaged environmental consulting firm Senversa to identify areas of Port Kembla that may have been affected by historical smelter operations. Senversa conducted detailed research, literature reviews and testing of more than 85 soil samples collected from public areas of Port Kembla. This testing identified some smelter-related soil contamination (mainly lead) and established a zone for further investigation.

Consultation with regulators

The results of initial research and testing were shared with EPA, NSW Health, Wollongong City Council and an independent expert Site Auditor. With oversight from these independent parties, a plan for additional testing - including testing of private properties - was established. This plan met relevant industry and Australian standards.

Testing private properties

With the written consent of owners and occupiers, Senversa tested 32 properties within the further investigation zone. The testing included soil, roof dust and indoor dust testing. It also included assessing the amount of lead in soil likely to enter a person’s blood and potentially impact on their health. This was used to establish a soil remediation target value for lead.

The results of this further investigation identified areas to the south and west of the former smelter that may have been contaminated by historical smelter operations. It is estimated that approximately 60 properties may have smelter related soil and roof dust contamination; a further approximately 240 properties may have roof dust contamination. The results of this further testing were shared with and accepted by EPA, NSW Health, Wollongong City Council (WCC) and the independent expert Site Auditor.

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Engagement and additional testing

Port Kembla Copper has commissioned Senversa to complete additional testing at each of the approximately 300 properties suspected to have been contaminated by historical smelter operations. This testing will take about one year to complete and will be supported by engagement with affected property owners, NSW EPA, Wollongong City Council and the independent expert Site Auditor. The results of the testing will be provided to each property owner, NSW EPA, Wollongong City Council and the independent expert Site Auditor - and indicate whether the properties are contaminated and if remediation is required.
The investigations will be provided by Port Kembla Copper free of charge.

Conduct remediation

Based on the results of the investigation, Port Kembla Copper will remediate properties with smelter-related contamination that has the potential to pose a risk to health. The remediation will be provided free of charge and only conducted with the written consent of property owners and occupiers.

The proceeds from the recent sale of the smelter site will be used to remediate properties found to be contaminated from historical smelter-related emissions.
Further information on the recent sale is available on the Latest News page.

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